
PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8
bcpow - Raise an arbitrary precision number to another

bcpow( string$num, string$exponent, [int|null$scale = null] ): string

Raise num to the power exponent.



The base, as a string.


The exponent, as a string. If the exponent is non-integral, it is truncated. The valid range of the exponent is platform specific, but is at least -2147483648 to 2147483647.


This optional parameter is used to set the number of digits after the decimal place in the result. If omitted, it will default to the scale set globally with the bcscale function, or fallback to 0 if this has not been set.

Return Values

Returns the result as a string.



Before PHP 7.3.0 bcpow may return a result with fewer digits after the decimal point than the scale parameter would indicate. This only occurs when the result doesn't require all of the precision allowed by the scale. For example:

bcpow scale example
echo bcpow('5''2'2);     // prints "25", not "25.00"


Version Description
7.3.0 bcpow now returns numbers with the requested scale. Formerly, the returned numbers may have omitted trailing decimal zeroes.

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Example of bcpow

Show all examples for bcpow

$return = bcpow("", "");
PHP Version:

Function bcpow:

BCMath Arbitrary Precision Mathematics Functions

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