GNU Privacy Guard
- gnupg_adddecryptkey - Add a key for decryption
- gnupg_addencryptkey - Add a key for encryption
- gnupg_addsignkey - Add a key for signing
- gnupg_cleardecryptkeys - Removes all keys which were set for decryption before
- gnupg_clearencryptkeys - Removes all keys which were set for encryption before
- gnupg_clearsignkeys - Removes all keys which were set for signing before
- gnupg_decrypt - Decrypts a given text
- gnupg_decryptverify - Decrypts and verifies a given text
- gnupg_deletekey - Delete a key from the keyring
- gnupg_encrypt - Encrypts a given text
- gnupg_encryptsign - Encrypts and signs a given text
- gnupg_export - Exports a key
- gnupg_getengineinfo - Returns the engine info
- gnupg_geterror - Returns the errortext, if a function fails
- gnupg_geterrorinfo - Returns the error info
- gnupg_getprotocol - Returns the currently active protocol for all operations
- gnupg_gettrustlist - Search the trust items
- gnupg_import - Imports a key
- gnupg_init - Initialize a connection
- gnupg_keyinfo - Returns an array with information about all keys that matches the given pattern
- gnupg_listsignatures - List key signatures
- gnupg_setarmor - Toggle armored output
- gnupg_seterrormode - Sets the mode for error_reporting
- gnupg_setsignmode - Sets the mode for signing
- gnupg_sign - Signs a given text
- gnupg_verify - Verifies a signed text