Zlib Compression
- deflate_add - Incrementally deflate data
- deflate_init - Initialize an incremental deflate context
- gzclose - Close an open gz-file pointer
- gzcompress - Compress a string
- gzdecode - Decodes a gzip compressed string
- gzdeflate - Deflate a string
- gzencode - Create a gzip compressed string
- gzeof - Test for EOF on a gz-file pointer
- gzfile - Read entire gz-file into an array
- gzgetc - Get character from gz-file pointer
- gzgets - Get line from file pointer
- gzgetss - Get line from gz-file pointer and strip HTML tags
- gzinflate - Inflate a deflated string
- gzopen - Open gz-file
- gzpassthru - Output all remaining data on a gz-file pointer
- gzputs - Alias of <function>gzwrite</function>
- gzread - Binary-safe gz-file read
- gzrewind - Rewind the position of a gz-file pointer
- gzseek - Seek on a gz-file pointer
- gztell - Tell gz-file pointer read/write position
- gzuncompress - Uncompress a compressed string
- gzwrite - Binary-safe gz-file write
- inflate_add - Incrementally inflate encoded data
- inflate_get_read_len - Get number of bytes read so far
- inflate_get_status - Get decompression status
- inflate_init - Initialize an incremental inflate context
- readgzfile - Output a gz-file
- zlib_decode - Uncompress any raw/gzip/zlib encoded data
- zlib_encode - Compress data with the specified encoding
- zlib_get_coding_type - Returns the coding type used for output compression