
PHP 4 >= 4.3.0, PHP 5 < 5.3.0, PECL fdf SVN
fdf_get_attachment - Extracts uploaded file embedded in the FDF
Code Examples

fdf_get_attachment( resource$fdf_document, string$fieldname, string$savepath ): array

Extracts a file uploaded by means of the "file selection" field fieldname and stores it under savepath.



The FDF document handle, returned by fdf_create, fdf_open or fdf_open_string.



May be the name of a plain file or an existing directory in which the file is to be created under its original name. Any existing file under the same name will be overwritten.


There seems to be no other way to find out the original filename but to store the file using a directory as savepath and check for the basename it was stored under.

Return Values

The returned array contains the following fields:

path - path were the file got stored

size - size of the stored file in bytes

type - mimetype if given in the FDF

Example of fdf_get_attachment

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