This function returns an object with certain properties of the specific column. The properties of the object are:
- name
column name
- table
name of the table that the column belongs to
- def
default value of the column
- max_length
maximum length of the column
- not_null
1 if the column cannot be NULL
- primary_key
1 if the column is a primary key
- unique_key
1 if the column is an unique key
- multiple_key
1 if the column is a non-unique key
- numeric
1 if the column is numeric
- blob
1 if the column is a BLOB
- type
the type of the column
- unsigned
1 if the column is unsigned
- zerofill
1 if the column is zero-filled
- result
result comes from a call to cubrid_execute
- field_offset
The numerical field offset. If the field offset is not specified, the next field (that was not yet retrieved by this function) is retrieved. The field_offset starts at 0.
Return Values
Object with certain properties of the specific column, when process is successful.
false on failure.