
PECL CUBRID >= 8.3.1
cubrid_connect_with_url - Establish the environment for connecting to CUBRID server
Code Examples

     [bool$new_link = false]
): resource

The cubrid_connect_with_url function is used to establish the environment for connecting to your server by using connection information passed with an url string argument. If the HA feature is enabled in CUBRID, you must specify the connection information of the standby server, which is used for failover when failure occurs, in the url string argument of this function. If the user name and password is not given, then the "PUBLIC" connection will be made by default.

<url> ::= CUBRID:<host>:<db_name>:<db_user>:<db_password>:[?<properties>]

<properties> ::= <property> [&<property>]

<properties> ::= alhosts=<alternative_hosts>[ &rctime=<time>]

<properties> ::= login_timeout=<milli_sec>

<properties> ::= query_timeout=<milli_sec>

<properties> ::= disconnect_on_query_timeout=true|false

<alternative_hosts> ::= <standby_broker1_host>:<port> [,<standby_broker2_host>:<port>]

<host> := HOSTNAME | IP_ADDR

<time> := SECOND

<milli_sec> := MILLI SECOND

host : A host name or IP address of the master database db_name : A name of the database db_user : A name of the database user db_password : A database user password alhosts : Specifies the broker information of the standby server, which is used for failover when it is impossible to connect to the active server. You can specify multiple brokers for failover, and the connection to the brokers is attempted in the order listed in alhosts rctime : An interval between the attempts to connect to the active broker in which failure occurred. After a failure occurs, the system connects to the broker specified by althosts (failover), terminates the transaction, and then attempts to connect to the active broker of the master database at every rctime. The default value is 600 seconds. login_timeout : Timeout value (unit: msec.) for database login. The default value is 0, which means infinite postponement. query_timeout : Timeout value (unit: msec.) for query request. Upon timeout, a message to cancel requesting a query transferred to server is sent. The return value can depend on the disconnect_on_query_timeout configuration; even though the message to cancel a request is sent to server, that request may succeed. disconnect_on_query_timeout : Configures a value whether to immediately return an error of function being executed upon timeout. The default value is false.


? and : that are used as identifiers in PHP connection URL can't be included in the password. The following is an example of a password that is invalid to use as connection URL because it contains "?:".

$url = "CUBRID:localhost:33000:tdb:dba:12?:?login_timeout=100";

Passwords that contain ? or : may be passed as a separate parameter.

$url = "CUBRID:localhost:33000:tbd:::?login_timeout=100";

$conn = cubrid_connect_with_url($url, "dba", "12?");

If user or password is empty,you can't delete ":",the following is an example.

$url = "CUBRID:localhost:33000:demodb:::";



A character string that contains server connection information.


User name for the database.


User password.


If a second call is made to cubrid_connect_with_url with the same arguments, no new connection will be established, but instead, the connection identifier of the already opened connection will be returned. The new_link parameter modifies this behavior and makes cubrid_connect_with_url always open a new connection, even if cubrid_connect_with_url was called before with the same parameters.

Return Values

Connection identifier, when process is successful, or false on failure.

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Example of cubrid_connect_with_url

Show all examples for cubrid_connect_with_url

$conn_url = "CUBRID:localhost:33000:demodb:dba::";
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Function cubrid_connect_with_url:

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